RID ALL Victory Garden Flagpole Dedication
- 888-636-7281
- info@neopat.org
P.O. Box 16758
Rocky River, OH 44116
The sun was shining brightly in Cleveland this past Armed Forces Day (May 15th) and shone even brighter over the Rid All Urban Agriculture Center’s Veterans Victory Garden with the dedication of its new flagpole. Located on Cleveland’s east side, the RID ALL Victory Garden is providing approximately 100 transitioning veterans with skills related to urban agriculture. NEOPAT has assisted with numerous initiatives at the Victory Garden and played a role in acquiring the new flagpole as well as coordinating the presence of an event color guard from the 325th Marines of Brook Park.
Members of the RID ALL Victory Garden team joined with Michael Lewis of the Union Miles Development Corporation (third from left) and NEOPAT Board member Katherine Coleman (far right) for the RID ALL flagpole dedication.