Support & Resources

Financial Assistance

Local County Veterans Service Offices (CVSO)
Local County Veterans Service Offices (CVSO) are a resource that can provide short-term financial assistance for veterans and their families. A complete listing of CVSOs can be found on the Ohio Department of Veterans Services website under Resources for Veterans. 

Operation Homefront | 1-877-264-3968
Operation Homefront is a national non-profit that assists military families with challenges inherent in military life and it offers a Critical Financial Assistance program for eligible active duty, deployed, veteran, wounded, ill, or injured service members. More information on Operation Homefront can be found at

American Legion
The American Legion, a non-profit veteran service organization, offers a Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program that can provide financial assistance grants for minor children of a qualifying veteran or current active duty member of the military. Contact the local post for more information. To find a local post visit their website at

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) | 1-866-789-6333
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, a nonprofit veterans service organization, offers an Unmet Needs program to assist qualifying military families with unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other military-related activity or injury. Contact the local post for more information, visit the website at To find a local post in your area visit their website at

Troop and Family Assistance Centers (TFAC) | 1-800-589-9914
Troop and Family Assistance Centers can help all military families regardless of service affiliation find resources available to them. Visit their website at  or call for more information.

Fisher House Foundation | (216) 707-4800
Fisher House Foundation is best known for a network of comfort
homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment.

Ohio Jobs and Family Services | (614) 466-6282
State agency responsible for supervising the state’s public assistance, workforce development, unemployment compensation, child and adult protective services, adoption, child care, and child support programs.


There are assistance programs available for all eligible Ohioans, not just those serving or who have served in the military. OCC offers fact sheets on each of the following programs at Contact the local community action agency on how to apply or for more information. To find the community action agency in your area, Click Here or call 1-800-282-0880.

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) | Click Here to Apply
Helps eligible Ohioans with winter heating costs. 

Utility-provided Assistance Programs-Fuel Funds
Available from the utility company for help paying electric or natural gas bills for eligible customers.


Department of Veteran Affairs | (800) 729-5772
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may be able to assist
veterans who are having difficulty paying their mortgages. The VA can assist veterans by working with loan providers to review payment plans or make modifications to their loans that provide more time to make overdue payments. Veterans Affairs loan specialists can also assist in converting a conventional mortgage
to a VA-guaranteed home loan.

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | (800) 569-4287
HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available to
provide information and assistance on avoiding foreclosure.

Making Home Affordable | (888) 995-4673
Making Home Affordable is a group that works to prevent
foreclosure on struggling veterans. Military homeowners who are displaced by a job-related move may qualify for resources to prevent the loss of their home.

Ohio Heroes Program | (888) 362-6432
The Ohio Heroes program is administered by the Ohio Housing
Finance Agency (OHFA). Ohio Heroes provides veterans, active military and reserves with all the benefits of OHFA’s first-time homebuyer program at a lower interest rate.

Save The Dream Ohio | (888) 404-4674
The Save the Dream program helps Ohio veterans struggling to
make timely house payments. The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) administers federal funds that help veterans and their families avoid foreclosure when dealing with a loss of income. This includes rescue payment assistance, assistance in modifying loans and other transitional assistance.

Healthcare & Wellness

National Center for PTSD | 877-WAR-VETS (877-927-8387)
A leading research and educational center of excellence providing resources for individuals seeking PTSD care for themselves or loved ones.

Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Department of Veteran Affairs | (800) 733-8387 
The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of
Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries. The program is administered by Chief Business Office Purchased Care. If you are currently a TRICARE beneficiary, you are not eligible for CHAMPVA.

Ohio Cares | (800) 761-0868 
Ohio Cares is a network of state and local agencies that support
the behavioral health of returning veterans and their families. This program enhances the behavioral health services provided by the
Department of Veteran Affairs.

The Patriot Project | (330) 495-8333
The Patriot Project, an Ohio-based organization, is a network of
chiropractors who assist eligible disabled veterans and active duty military personnel by offering free chiropractic care.

TRICARE | (877) 874-2273
TRICARE is a health care provider for eligible veterans, service
members and their families. TRICARE provides low cost prescription drugs through mail order and local retail pharmacies. Prescriptions that are filled at military treatment facilities are free of charge.

Veteran Affairs Health Benefits
| (877) 222-8387 
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers health benefits
to most veterans without charging enrollment fees, monthly premiums or deductibles. The VA provides access to health care at 46 facilities across Ohio.

Veteran Affairs Mental Health Counseling
| (877) 927-8387 
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides mental health counseling at seven centers across Ohio. It also operates a Crisis Hotline offering free and confidential support for veterans and their families.
Employment & Education

Department of Defense Veterans (DOD) | (888) 363-4872
The Department of Defense provides employment opportunities
for veterans. Through their website, veterans can access DOD job fairs, a state map displaying all available positions and helpful tips on applying for a job.

Feds Hire Vets | (202) 606-7304
Feds Hire Vets is a program designed to help military veterans
transition into the federal workforce.

Helmets to Hardhats | (866) 741-6210
Helmets to Hardhats helps military service members successfully
transition back into civilian life by offering them the means to secure a quality career in the construction industry. Military service members are offered a three to five year apprenticeship at no cost.

Hiring Our Heroes | (202) 659-6000
Hiring Our Heroes is a program operated by the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce Foundation. The nationwide initiative was launched in 2011 to help veterans, service members and military spouses find employment by having state and local chambers and their partners hold job fairs across the nation.

Ohio Job and Family Services Veteran Program | (888) 296-7541
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Veterans
Program provides employment and training resources to eligible veterans. Programs are implemented to increase opportunities for veterans to obtain job training and employment.

Ohio State Approving Agency | (614) 466-9287
The Ohio State Approving Agency works with veterans and a
Certifying Officer to provide on-the-job or apprenticeship training to eligible veterans and teaches the skills necessary for jobs in the civilian workforce.

Ohio Means Veteran Jobs
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services – Ohio Means
Veteran Jobs website is an online resource that provides information and tools to assist in the transition to civilian life. These resources include a list of veteran friendly employers, information on Federal and State benefits, job search capabilities, resume writing and a military to civilian skills translator.

Troops to Energy Jobs | (202) 638-5802
Troops to Energy Jobs accelerates the training and employability of
veterans for work in the energy sector. The program offers veterans the opportunity to be placed throughout the United States.

Troops to Teachers | (800) 852-6064
Troops to Teachers is an assistance program that helps eligible
military personnel use their skills, knowledge and experience in schools. This program is the product of collaboration between the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Defense.

Uniform Services Employment & Reemployment
Rights Act (USERRA)
| (614) 466-2768
The Uniform Services Employment
& Reemployment Rights Act protects veterans’ careers so that they may be reemployed at their civilian careers after returning from duty and are not discriminated against due to their military service.

Veteran Jobs Stars & Stripes Job Center
& Stripes offers a Jobs Center through their website that gives veterans access to thousands of jobs available throughout the country.

Veteran Education Program | (888) 442-4551
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers many educational
programs for active duty personnel and veterans. Many veterans and active duty personnel are eligible for more than one program offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
Program (VR&E)
| (800) 827-1000
The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program assists
veterans with a service-connected disability of 10% or greater to maintain employment, become employed and live suitable lifestyles. The VR&E also offers post-secondary training, on-the-job training and independent living services for veterans who are unable to work.

Benefits & Assistance
American Legion of Ohio | (740) 362-7478
At each of its 610 posts, American Legion of Ohio has Service Officers whose primary duties are to assist in the compilation and completion of the forms required to file a Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) claim.
AMVETS protects and enhances American veterans’ entitlements to help improve the quality of life for veterans and their families, along with the community in which they live.
CVSOs work one-on-one with veterans to identify the types of VA assistance they are eligible for, and then prepare their benefits claims. Also, CVSOs routinely refer veterans to nonprofit organizations, local government agencies and community services.
Disabled American Veterans provides assistance to disabled veterans and their families and helps them obtain benefits and services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information
The Federal Trade Commission provides consumer information
for military families who face additional challenges in managing their finances and personal information. Military families who face consumer issues, like buying a car or preventing identity theft, have special rights.

Iraq and Afghanistan  Veterans of America (IAVA)| (212) 982-9699
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America offers a wide array of programs to veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

National Resource Directory
The National Resource Directory connects service members
and veterans to supportive services such as scholarships, unemployment benefits, transportation assistance and financial counseling.

Ohio License Plates
Veterans renewing their license plates may be eligible to obtain a
free armed forces plate upon presenting a valid DD-214. Ohio BMV offers 40 different types of specialty plates for veterans.

Veterans Affairs Burial and Tombstones
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers burial benefits to
qualifying veterans and their family members. Qualifying veterans can be buried in a national cemetery at no charge. If buried in a private cemetery, the VA will provide a tombstone and medallion. Contact your County Veteran Service Office for more information.

Veteran Affairs Pension and Benefits | (800) 827-1000
The Department of Veterans Affairs pension program offers a tax-
free monetary benefit to eligible low-income veterans. A survivor’s benefit is also available to eligible family members of a deceased veteran.

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) | (800) 827-1000
The Veterans Benefits Administration provides the various benefits
offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including disability compensation, housing assistance and vocational rehabilitation.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) | (614) 224-1838
Veterans of Foreign Wars offers research, advice and assistance
for veterans filing claims for benefits. The VFW assists veterans in reopening claims, following up on previous claims and assisting with appeals and reviewing denied claims. The VFW will also answer, research and assist with inquiries about medical, death/burial and other miscellaneous benefits.

Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) | (614) 228-0188
Vietnam Veterans of America advocates on issues important to
veterans of the Vietnam War. The VVA assists veterans in obtaining the quality healthcare they deserve, along with holding government officials accountable on supporting veterans’ benefits.

Better Business Bureau Military Line
The Better Business Bureau offers financial readiness classes
near military facilities to help service members identify consumer threats and to file complaints, if necessary.

Military Sentinel | (877) 382-4357
Military Sentinel is a centralized online collection of consumer fraud
and identity theft complaints. The Military Sentinel is a joint initiative of the Department of Defense and the Federal Trade Commission. Military personnel may file a complaint or receive more information by visiting the online database.

National Veterans Legal Service Program | (202) 265-8305
The National Veterans Legal Services Program is a nonprofit
organization that protects the benefits of our nation’s veterans and active duty military by providing legal services to veterans.

Operation Legal Help Ohio | (877) 759-6182
The Ohio Military/Veteran Legal Assistance Project (OMVLAP) is a
network of volunteer lawyers who provide free legal assistance to low-income veterans.

The Patriot Program | (800) 282-0515
The Ohio Attorney General’s Office (AG) offers services to
address the specific needs of veterans, full-time military service members and mobilized Guard and Reserve personnel. Through the program, assistant attorneys generals volunteer to provide certain legal services to military personnel and their families at no cost.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland | (216) 861-5500
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland offers free legal assistance to low-income individuals and families, including veterans, to address civil legal issues such as housing, benefits, and family law. Their mission is to ensure access to justice for those in need.

Legal Resources for Military & Veterans – Akron Area | (866) 584-2350
The Akron area offers specialized legal support for military members and veterans, including assistance with VA benefits, discharge upgrades, and legal challenges related to employment, housing, and more. Organizations like Community Legal Aid and local bar associations provide tailored services to those who served. Visit Community Legal Aid for more information.

Household Items

Cleveland American Veterans Association (CAVA)(216) 661-7753
Serving elderly Veterans/widows(ers), and transitioning homeless veterans. An IRS approved charitable organization.

Serving Area Military  (SAM Center) | (330) 956-6162
A group of veteran supporters has joined forces to create Serving Area Military, an organization that channels the community’s affection for our veterans. They have a pantry and other basic necessities for Veteran’s in need.

Greater Cleveland Food Bank | (216) 738-2067
The Cleveland Food Bank provides nutritious food and support to individuals and families in need across Northeast Ohio. Their programs include free food distributions, assistance with SNAP benefits, and resources to help fight hunger in the community

The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank | (330) 535-6900
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank works to fight hunger in the region by providing food and essential resources to individuals, families, and local food programs. Their services include food assistance, outreach programs, and community support initiatives.

For Immediate Crisis, Call 988

Veterans that are deaf or hard of hearing can contact 1-800-799-4889.

If you are not a veteran and are having thoughts of harming yourself (or concerned about someone doing so), please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

For additional information you can also visit

Featured Resources


Financial Assistance Program

Provides emergency financial support for rent, utilities, and more to active duty, veterans and their families. 

Apply Now


Veterans Service Commission of Cuyahoga County

Provides financial assistance, VA claims support, and emergency help for local veterans.

Learn More

Untitled design (4)

VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System

Guides veterans in accessing VA disability, pension, and other benefits.

VA Benefits Assistance


OhioMeansJobs for Veterans

A one-stop resource for veteran employment services, training, and job placement.

Military Career Center